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back and better than ever.

i'm back...stateside and blogside.

now, i'm pretty sure i've only got *four devoted readers at this point, but i'm going to act like my blog is really popular and netizens (citizens of the internet) everywhere have been rioting cyberworld and pleading for my return.

so...stop the craziness everyone (a.k.a. kara, heather, jessica, jamie)...and get ready for some great upcoming posts.

but for now, i'm going to bed.

any thoughts on the new format?


  1. yesssssss. You know I've been waiting (impatiently) for this day. My netizenship depends on you! (and meg...and my blog of course).

    *I love the new format, by the way. too cute.

  2. Just so you know .... I am offended. I thought I was the devoted reader until I saw Kara's name.


    but yes, I love the new style, great pic

  3. hey... i posted a comment before, but it's not on here.

    fyi, i consider myself to be a faithful reader.
