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help our family!


in approximately 28 days {but who's counting?}, mr. lesley and i will be celebrating our first christmas as the lesleys.
and that's a pretty big deal, right? 
they make ornaments to celebrate the occasion after all.

because of this milestone, i've been thinking a lot about traditions and how we need to get some.
and fast.

now, i tried to institute our first holiday season tradition of walking to starbucks in our jammies the wednesday before thanksgiving.
but apparently mr. lesley is too cool for that, and it didn't matter how much i wined {but it's for our tttrrrraaadddiiittiiiooonnn, pppplllleeeaaassseee!}, he put on his jeans and i carried the torch in my sweatpants.

so i'm coming here to get some holiday tradition ideas. 
what do you do with your family to celebrate the holidays and make it extra special? 

the fate of our family is at stake, so please let your voice be heard! 


  1. Advent: we have an advent wreath to hold 4 candles (or you can just set up 4 candles) around 1 white pillar Christ candle in the middle. There are lots of websites with Bible passages and verses for each night of advent. With a toddler who loves music, we usually sing a verse or 2 of a carol, as well.

  2. traditions are organic. go with what happens naturally. happy christmas season. xoxo.

  3. Oh gosh... our old ones have evolved into new ones when we got married and started having kids... Most of the separate traditions got lost on the way because they didn't work for both of us, but one that stuck is that Christmas Eve we always open one gift. And that gift is always pajamas. To be worn that night. Simple and easy :)

    And... we used to ALWAYS put Hostess Ding Dongs in the bottom of each stocking (carried over from my husband's mother's tradition)... so not sure what we'll do about that this year :)

    I would like to start the tradition of going skiing on every Christmas morning... but have to wait and see how that evolves :) I bet the mountain is pretty empty that morning! More snow for me!

    Good luck combining and morphing!

  4. My fella and I just had our first Christmas last year and here are the two traditions I decided to start.
    1. Buying each other an ornament that represents the toher's year. Last year I got him a beer stein to celebrate his job a lead brewer and our move to LA for his dream job. Make sure to sneak the year on there with a sharpie somewhere.
    2. I wanted to keep surprise and Santa alive and also deal with our budget and not being able to buy each other huge gifts so I instituted 'stockings'. I bought us cute stockings, added our names and then he hung them. The deal was he had to fill mine with something special and I his but not until Christmas Eve and it had to be done in secret. That way when we both woke up we had a surprise just like Santa had visited. I am a night owl so I filled his stocking late night and he woke up a bit early to make coffee and fill mine. It's not a perfect method but its really fun and special.

    Anyway hope that helps and be sure to let us know what you decide on. Oh, I also have a pin board with all my other ideas I want to add. Maybe do that also?

  5. Wear matching pajamas. And eat tamales. And have a birthday the day before.

  6. We pick out a new ornament each year since I was the only one who had any when we got married. We put the tree up together. In my extended family, we eat minestrone for dinner on Christmas Eve, which I LOVE.
