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new. every. morning.

as i'm sitting on the couch this saturday morning...
i remember this...

"This I recall to my mind,
Therefore I have hope.
The LORD'S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
"The LORD is my portion," says my soul,
"Therefore I have hope in Him."
The LORD is good to those who wait for Him,
To the person who seeks Him.
It is good that he waits silently
For the salvation of the LORD."

Lamentations 3:21-26

...and i remember how i am loved beyond measure.
how every morning his grace is new for me.
and i am thankful.



1 comment:

  1. aw hannah that's been the verse on my heart and mind for the past week :)
