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buttons for babies.

so here's the deal.

i'm going to africa
for the month of june
south africa, zambia, mozambique, and rwanda to be exact
to help my friend bethany
research the possibility of starting baby safes in these countries
(visit this website to see more of what i'm talking about)

i'm going to be saving my little butt off for the next 5 months, but i will still need to raise the funds to go...

hence, "buttons for babies"

i'm putting my craftiness to use and starting a little side business:)
i'll be making some super cute button earrings to sell for $10 or as much as you want to donate

the idea is in the baby stages:) but start spreading the word
i'm hoping to get a bunch of heart button earrings made just in time for valentine's day

just wanted to get the word out (to the 5 of you who read this blog:)
and in case you ever doubted that crafts could save the world
now you know it's true


"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."
2 Corinthians 9:8


  1. good choice!
    count me in for the button goodness/send Hannah to Africa fund...

    love your brilliant blog.

  2. will you accept RMB? and can I see a pic?

  3. I think you knew in your heart the whole time that SA was the right choice for you! I am soooooo excited for you! Count me in for some button cuteness to get you there...
