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Classroom Crime Stoppers.


After school today, I received this note from two of my students. You see, I was out of school on Monday and Tuesday and a couple of my students thought it was necessary to update me on what happened while I was away. In their own words...

"On Monday Noe and Tiva were late and didn't sign the sheet. On Tuesday Tiva went somewhere and took a long time. Noe and Alexis were talking about each other's moms. Miguel, Loss, and Ricardo were throwing paper. Pedro was leaning and hitting the wall. Alexis also tried to get out of working but it didn't work (underlined for emphasis). On Wednesday Noe and Miguel were smoking Smarties (yes, the candy). Divya was playing around with her bracelets. She wasn't reading. Loss was also smoking smarties. Ricardo was leaning on his chair and nearly fell. Divya and Tiva were eating smarties. Ricardo and Noe were playing around."

Thanks for making my Wednesday girls.
Oh, the joys of teaching 6th graders.


  1. this may be the best note ever written.

  2. that is hilarious! i think they covered every possible person!!

  3. LOL LOL what a bunch of "smarties"!
